Friday, November 20, 2009

What is the name of the movie where an explosion occurred on the moon?

It was from just a few years ago. The main theme of the movie involved a machine that allowed a (Victorian era?) scientist to move travel thru time.

What is the name of the movie where an explosion occurred on the moon?
This is not a science question. I belongs in a forum on movies.
Reply:This is really a movie question, so you'd be better to try there.

I don't think "The Time Machine" involved travel to the moon - perhaps you're thinking of "First Men in the Moon", when an eccentric Victorian scientist and his companions travelled there and discovered an insect-like civilisation? However, there was no time travel in that.


Well, I've read Wells' "The Time Machine" and seen the 1960 movie with Rod Taylor, and there's definitely no part of it on the moon.

However, there was a remake in 2002, which I've not seen, so maybe that had it. Could be they pulled together parts from others of Wells' stories for that, including "First Men in the Moon".
Reply:I'd say it was "the time machine" too. I'm not sure of the moon explosion, but here's a clip from the movie (1960) book written by Wells in 1895

AH HA!!! the 2003 version of the movie has some big moon "collapse" elements in the story.

The Morlocks' leader, the astonishingly more human-looking 脺ber-Morlock, explains that they were people who chose to stay underground after the Moon collapsed

the 1960 version doesn't mention it, nor do I think the book does either, but Wells did write about moon stories in other books. perhaps the 2002 version payed homage to those writings.

I think the 60s version used a nuclear war instead.

(these time eras tend to use the most current concerns of their time as plot elements)

then "mother earth" got its revenge for the nuke war and lava splashed up over him and turned to solid rock in the 60's version.

this might have been rewritten as the moon pieces hurling into earth, causing this lava problem. instead of being caused by nuclear war.

9/11 just happened a year before, and alot of movies tried to avoid war subjects, or even visuals of new york. (this was mostly out of respect of victims and families)
Reply:Yeah dude, that's a remake of the film the Time Machine, which is itself based off the book by H.G. Wells.

If I remember correctly, the Time Traveler discovers that the detonations used to build the lunar colony have caused to moon to fall apart and then fall onto Earth.
Reply:I have that movie it's awesome it's called EarthStorm
Reply:The Time Machine.

It's based on a book by HG Wells written in the late 1800s. Several movies have been made from it.
Reply:the time machine! its a great film!

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