Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is the name of the word find game, where you find as many words as possible within a given word?

How many words can you find using the letters in the word ridiculous?

Two or more letters per word.

Any known free web sites?

What is the name of the word find game, where you find as many words as possible within a given word?
My newspaper has "Word Game". It's similar to your description except that the words contain four or more letters.

Here's a few sites you might want to check out. Have fun!
Reply:Text Twist is a good one. and you can play free online.
Reply:There are 169 words
Reply:It sure sounds like SCRABBLE
Reply:158 words in ridiculous

cirsoid, clod, clods, cloud, clouds, clour, clours, cod, cods, coil, coils, coir, coirs, col, cold, colds, cols, cord, cords, cos, could, cris, crud, cruds, crus, cud, cuds, cur, curd, curds, curio, curios, curious, curl, curls, curs, diol, diols, dirl, dirls, disc, disci, disco, do, doc, docs, dol, dolci, dols, dor, dors, dos, dour, duc, duci, ducs, dui, duo, duos, duro, duroc, durocs, duros, id, idol, idols, ids, iodic, irids, iris, is, li, lid, lido, lidos, lids, lis, lo, loci, locus, lord, lords, loris, loud, louis, lour, lours, lucid, ludicrous, lurid, od, odic, ods, oil, oils, old, olds, or, orc, orcs, ors, os, oud, ouds, our, ours, rid, ridiculous, rids, roc, rocs, rod, rods, roil, roils, sciuroid, scold, scour, scrod, scud, scudi, scudo, si, sic, sild, silo, silurid, siluroid, sir, slid, sloid, slur, so, sod, sodic, soil, sol, sold, soldi, soli, solid, solidi, sord, sori, sou, soul, sour, sri, sudor, sulci, surd, udo, udos, urd, urds, uric, urus, us.
Reply:text twist

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