Sunday, November 15, 2009

What was the name of the Protestant church the Nazis tried to start to replace the Lutheran Church?

Did it ever get off the ground? How far did Hitler get with his plan to make Germany a Christian nation with no more separation of church and state?

What was the name of the Protestant church the Nazis tried to start to replace the Lutheran Church?
I know that the Nazis produced their own 'edited' version of the Bible. It removed all Jewish works and references from it. That leaves only a few chapters. :) They also "proved" that Jesus was of Aryan descent.
Reply:The Nazis were pagan. And many Catolics were against the regime (for example, the leader of the failed assassionation attempt on Hitler was a ferverous Catholic). Hitler said once that is 芦last mission禄 would be to destroy the Vatican.
Reply:Where did you hear that? You been watching channel 420 berzerker news again?
Reply:The Deutsche Christen (DC) became the voice of Nazi ideology within the Evangelical Church (the Religious Right of their day) and approved by Hitler. They proposed a church "Aryan paragraph" to prevent "non-Aryans" from becoming ministers or religious teachers. Most church leaders solidly supported the "Judenmission." Only a very few number of Christians opposed Nazism such as the "Confessing Christians" (a Church movement not recognized by the Protestant orthodoxy) headed by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The support of Nazism by the majority of German Christians and German Christian leaders shows the danger of mixing religion with government.

The photo on the left shows Christian worshippers of Christ and Nazism on the march in front of the Berlin Cathedral. SS guards stand at attention. The head of the march shows members in party and SA uniforms while pastors follow in the rear.

Note the flags with the Christian cross with the swastika in the middle (also described as the Double Cross).

To see a movie trailer about the Deutsche Christen, from the documentary film, "Theologians Under Hitler," click here.

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