Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is the name of the newest agency in the Executive Office of the President?

What is the name of the newest agency in the Executive Office of the President?

Who opposed the Federalists in the election of 1800?

When the Twenty-fifth Amendment was ratified in 1967, what order to the presidency did it establish?

What is the name of the newest agency in the Executive Office of the President?
The Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council

Thomas Jefferson

Twenty-Fifth Amendment Ratified in 1967, clarifies and redefines the process of presidential succession.
Reply:Dept. of Homeland Security for the first question...

For the rest.... Google. shoot, even lycos if you really have to.

Reply:Good questions all. Makes me wish that somebody would write a whole textbook on history, or invent some kind of "engine" that "searches" the Internet.

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