Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is the name of software that makes dashes for children's homework?

There is a program that lets you type out letters of the alphabet for small children to trace to get better and practice writing all the letters of the alphabet, I know its "Typing with.." but I can not remember the rest. Thank you in advance.

What is the name of software that makes dashes for children's homework?
The one we use at my school is called fonts4teachers:

I know you can get it cheaper than what they are asking for it on this website. I believe we got it for around $10. You might want to do a search online or check teacher stores in your area.

Also, depending on what age you teach, as a kindergarten teacher, I start out writing my students' names on sentence strips. In a couple weeks after school starts, they take a piece of copy paper and place it over their sentence strip name and trace it. Again, depending on their age- it helps to build up to using those fonts to trace.

I hope that helps.

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